Monday, February 21, 2011


Today is a day off from school. Had it not been a holiday, I am sure it would have been a snow day. Both boys were up right away and off to play. The girl slept in until 8:30! Five comes in asking me to help him put on his socks. Of course I don't do it exactly right and get told so. If he would take off his gloves and Iron Man arm cover he could do it himself, the way he likes. Oh well. He will figure it out. I am so thankful for our basement. It is their area, their place to be. With carpet down there, it is much warmer and more comfortable to play. I wish we could do more down there, but being renters sort of limits us. I have so many ideas for building projects, but need a lesson on power tools. I want a puppet theater. We have so many puppets, but no theater. We might have to get creative today. We had a play date scheduled, but was canceled due to illness. The boys were so excited too. So, another day at home. Guess I will get my work out done and maybe rearrange some furniture.

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