Thursday, February 17, 2011

Back to School, finally

Brought the boys in for a half day today. I think they are good to go. They still have coughs, but are on day 3 of antibiotics. The girl went to preschool with much enthusiasm today. No worries about missing the valentines party. I think she was thrilled to be the boys parties instead.
Bake sale tomorrow, gotta get baking. Five wants peanut butter cookies. Six wants chocolate cupcakes. We will see how much I can get done. Feel like I need to recover from the sickness myself.
N has a Saturday off! This never happens. I heard a rumor we might meet his parents somewhere. We will see. He started model airplanes with the boys. Six was thrilled. He can't wait to finish it, but it will take time. The book I have been reading shows a relationship of a family and it doesn't go well for the father and son. I found myself thinking of our family dynamics and how N and Six are. Six is interested in many things N is, but not too much on the fishing part. N is always trying to get them to go with him, but they never want to go. At least they share a love for airplanes and Lego's.

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