Saturday, March 31, 2012

Satisfied this Saturday

My day started out quite nice, perhaps a little earlier than I would have liked, but I can't complain. Everyone was thrilled with their first day of spring break. Kids watched Saturday morning cartoons and I stayed in my pj's until 9 o'clock. N slept in after his late night shift. Luckily Verbena called an hour ahead before our coffee date. I had completely forgot. It was great to catch up with her. We ran into each other at the post this past week. It's been since soccer season since we've seen each other. She's great as usual.
I came home motivated to purge. After N went to work, we headed down to the basement and started to prepare for the Walleye Festival! Boy, did we make progress! Half the basement still is a disaster. I have boxes to sort out and toys to part with. The kids did really well, but I wish we could part with more stuffed animals. I don't know why I am so weak to influence them more. I guess it's my guilt of the other things they had to part with throughout our moves.
I have quite a few garbage bags and boxes ready for pricing. Maybe I'll work on some tonight, we'll see how tired I am at the end of the day. Everyone needs a bath tonight and nails clipped. It's amazing how grooming and cleansing can be hard to keep up with times three. What will be one more? She won't be on their schedule for awhile. They stayed in their pj's all day and loved it. I guess they really needed a break. I think my coffee date helped me to have a nice day at home with them. It was great to sneak away for an hour before having them to myself. Tomorrow we have church. I hope to get more prepared for the garage sale. The more ready I am before this baby comes, the easier it will be the end of April.
I can't believe today is the last day of March. It seemed to have flown by. Some days seemed longer than others, depending on how much pressure I felt from this baby girl. I am trying to be patient with her arrival. I've never felt so impatient with a pregnancy. I was able to arrange for New Moon to come over and watch the group on Thursday for my appointment. These girls, what ever would I do without them! I won't get through this without them, I know that for sure. Last week the doc was on call and really behind. We got there at 10:30 and didn't leave until close to 1 o'clock. The lobby was full of moms, grandma's and a few toddlers. I couldn't imagine having all of our group in that small room as well. Luckily, we won't have to. That was only the second time she has ever been behind like that. I can't complain.
I'm trying to figure out plans for Seven and his birthday. With so much in the air, it's hard to plan. I'm not sure how we will work it out. N works on Sundays, his birthday is on a Sunday. Perhaps I should see if we can celebrate it this week during spring break? That is really last minute notice though. We'll see what we can work out. It's my next item to organize.

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