Sunday, March 18, 2012

Just another average Sunday

Boy, did we make some progress this weekend! Yesterday, we were able to clean the garage. There are some areas that still need improvement, but it looks much better than before. Even better, the kids came up with three trash bags of outside toys to part with. I was thrilled with those results. We started a pile for the garage sale.
The progress continued with pulling out all the spring/summer clothing. I found out what areas are lacking and plentiful. Four will need some soccer shorts. Six doesn't need a thing. I'll still look for shirts and shorts for Seven.
With all that organizing, I came up with three trash bags of clothing to sell. We were able to price them and boy did that feel good! There is a mound of stuff in the basement that still needs to be priced and organized. I just started tossing things in that corner. It's chaos, but all heading in the right direction and off the floor. I washed all the snow pants and coats. Packed them away with the boots. I really hope we don't have to pull them out again. I still need to wash my coat and N's. I will keep some light hats and mittens out for cool spring mornings. Both boys have spring coats, but the girl does not. I am afraid her coat from Orchid is too small this year. She does have a great red sweater Gma had made for her. It's not water proof though. We'll be in the look out for a spring coat for her.
Today there will be a bake sale at our church. The teens of the parish are raising money for a mission trip. We made dinosaur banana muffins! I fit two in a sandwich bag and will donate them to the cause. With behavior issues yesterday, Four will be picking out the baked good we purchase and bring home. She was the best listener at bedtime. Seven may pick something too, depends on the prices. Six, he needs to earn back his privilege. He will need to do two good deeds this morning before church. The tally mark system is working for us. It's something he understands and realizes the consequences. When they don't listen, they get a tally mark behind their name. It takes two good deeds to erase the tally mark and earn the privilege back. So far, so good. Six is the most influenced by the system. Seven almost always does whatever he is told. Four does too, but can still have a slight fit here and there.
Bake sale after church and a wide open afternoon. The sun is shining already. Kids are happy upstairs. Dinosaur muffins for breakfast, it should be a beautiful day!

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