Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Birthdays for moms

Four told me since tomorrow is by birthday, I only have to do the dishes, nothing else. Six thinks he's bringing me breakfast in bed. They also think we should have a party. Every day is a party with them.
Funny story: I was afraid my daughter was thief. After Christmas, she had a wooden box she got from Grandma. One day she told me "Never look in this box." Foolish me, I just assumed she was hiding gum or candy in her room. Didn't think anything of it. Last week, I see the box on her shelf, slightly open. I notice inside, a pair of earrings. These earrings are still on a card board from the store with a price tag on them. My mind starts racing, where did she get these earrings? Did she steal them after we had been at a store? I would never notice if she put something like that in her coat pocket. Could she have taken them from some big sisters at a play date? I worry and bring it up with N. Not sure how I want to handle it, I sit on the subject for a day, trying to figure out my approach. Wouldn't you know, the very next day she tells me she already has a birthday gift for me. She got it with Grandma and it's something for my ears to wear to church. Finally, the pieces of the puzzle fit together. My relief, she is not a thief. She's proud to give them to me tomorrow and said they could be from every one in the family. She has requested help wrapping them. We will see who jumps to her aid.

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