Sunday, March 4, 2012

The name game

It's 4am and I'm awake. Haven't been in this position too much lately. Even with such a busy day, I'm surprised to be awake. It's hunger. Not sure why, but I'm hungry and don't want to go downstairs, wake anyone up in the process. I have to remember to bring a snack upstairs one of these days.
Delivery of this baby is getting closer and closer. We still do not have a name. You'd think since we found out she is a girl, that would make it easier, but has not so far. I guess in a way it is easier since we only have to come up with a girl name and not a possible boy name as well.
I've also been thinking of what to pack in my hospital bag, not sure why I feel so clueless there, too. Have to google it I guess. It's been awhile since I've done this, just can't remember the things I should want with me. Rumor has it if all goes well, I won't be there too long anyway. Apparently they don't keep you in very long around here. With Four, I was there practically an entire week.
We've had name suggestions from the kids. Some have been more interesting than others. Some have been more practical than others. Their influences can be seen by names of their classmates. Last year, Six had a good friend who was a girl. When coming up with name suggestions for Orchid, he shared that little girls name as his idea. She is the sweetest little girl,but just not a name I'd like to use.
We get so many compliments on Four's name. I'm really happy with all the names we've chosen. It's a lot of pressure. This is what the child will be called for the rest of her life. Spelling can be an issue. All my life people misspelled my name. Never really bothered me too much. Four will experience that, I'm positive. We tried to keep it as simple as we could without adding extra letters. Some spell it with two L's. I also like to have a name with a great meaning. Seven's name means Light. It's Greek. Six means Laughter, it's Hebrew. Four means My God has answered me, also Hebrew. They all seem appropriate for who the child has turned out to be. Seven is the light of my life. He's such a great kid. So smart, practical and kind. He's got a great heart and seems to be in tune to my feelings, emotions, needs, etc. more so than the others. I'd say it's his age, but he's always been like this, the one to pick up on how I'm feeling. Six is the joker of our group. He can always be counted on for a giggle. When he was little, he had this little musical note of a few beats he would say automatically along with whatever else he had to say. N still does this and Four did for a period of time. Every once in awhile I'll catch Six repeating it, but it's usually because N has said it recently. And then there's Four. After her birth, we moved and N spent 3 months in Oklahoma. Her being a girl after two boys was such a wonderful surprise. My grandmother prayed every day for her to be a girl. We all just fell in love with her. She was the sweetest baby. When N went to Oklahoma, the children and I went to live with my parents. I couldn't stay home alone for that long of time with two toddlers and a newborn. I don't remember that time being too difficult. One would think so, but with the support of my family and friends, we made it through just fine. It was hard to be away from N. The boys did great. Some of the issues we had during my pregnancy with Four, the meaning of her name just seemed to fit once she was here.
Alas, what to do now. It's not something I'll solve now at 4am. Maybe I better go get a snack. My tummy is starting to rumble. Guess I really am hungry.

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