Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday is for white hats, shiny white shoes and soft white gloves

Today, Four and I hit it big! My expectations were low, Mum wanted us to pick up our titled items. Four has a fancy tea party on Saturday. These were the things Gma thought she needed. We managed to find all three at the same store! I had my doubts about the hat. Turns out, the toddler size still fit her head. The dollar section hat did not, but we did find the white gloves there. We got the last pair of white, shiny shoes in her size. She's going to feel great when she gets dressed up this Saturday for her first big girl party. I can't wait to take pictures and drop her off. Her ensemble reminds me of the little girls at the end of Annie. She is very excited. We were able to get her gift together as well. This too was pleasing to Four. We just had the birthday girl over to our house. We found the perfect gift. It should be a great day.
We headed to the doc today. Turns out I will be going on a small medication for the sugar thing. I had a high sugar every other day, once a day. I am not sure what to think about this topic anymore. Just when I thought I had things figured out, it goes slightly down hill. Could be worse. At least my contractions have stopped. The baby is moving regularly. My belly measures the same as last week. Still haven't come up with her name yet. Four has many opinions and ideas. She loves to talk about it.
Boys rode the bus to Zinnia's tonight. This is always a big deal and very exciting. N and I are having dinner at Fr. B's tonight. I have to get my chef salad together. I wasn't sure what to bring, but this is what I've been craving so, everyone like salad, right? Just have to chop up the ingredients and put it together. I even hard boiled some eggs. I also have some Indian relish left to bring as well. I just love Indian relish.
It was a long day of running around. I picked out some prescription sun glasses today at the eye doc's. Zinnia met me there to help me pick them out. I'm horrible at decision making lately. I'm even worse with getting things in the mail. I've been late with four bday cards and gifts this month. I've got two baby gifts ready to go. Just have to hit the post sooner than later.
N is off selling the car as I type. We met with the buyer last night. They called after a couple of hours and said yes, they wanted it. In the mean time, we had 5-6 people interested as well. I will miss that car. We brought home all our babies in it. I am thankful for our van and to have more space. We spent lots of miles in that car. Even thought I truly despised it, in the end, it treated us more than well. It was a great car and I hope the future owners get as much out of it as we did. They have five kids, but they are much, much older than ours.
Better get to my salad now, I've rested after a day of errands. Wish I wasn't so tired for tonight. I'm always tired at night. I'm 33 weeks today. Not too much longer considering she's letting me go until 37 or 38. We'll see how it all plays out. I really want to go into labor on my own. Depends on the numbers I guess. Babies have their own ideas as well. We'll see what kind of a start this one gives us. We sure are excited to meet her!

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