Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's a hot one

Today is even warmer than yesterday. We finally got a pump to blow up the pool. N and the kids did all the work. They are out in the yard having a grand time. I am a little surprised how loud Four is. I don't remember thinking that last year. Wonder what the neighbors think.
We got a crib mattress today! More progress for Baby Girl. Now to set up her crib and wash the bedding. I have half of it washed, we're getting there.
N's sister had her baby in the wee hours of the morning. She had a girl, 7 lbs 4 oz 20 inches long. No word on a name yet. Very exciting for that side of the family.
I'm nearly done with my pre-baby purchases. I still need a shirt and tie for Seven for confirmation. Got the shoes, pants and one shirt. Hope to find a black tie to go with the green shirt. Easter baskets are nearly complete. Hospital bag is half way packed. Just need to order a few things online.
Six came home sick today. He had a fever. He was up during the night complaining his belly hurt. A dose of motrin and he wasn't staying out of the pool. What can I do. It's really warm inside the house. He's happy outside. We'll see how he feels at the end of the night and in the morning.
We go see the doc tomorrow. I can tell she's moving down. Yesterday I was really uncomfortable. It's getting more difficult to walk at times. Certain places are uncomfortable to sit too. Just a few more weeks left.
It's meal time, better coordinate the rest to go with N's pork chops he's grilling.


Denise said...

I hopped on to catch up... I haven't been checking blogs in awhile... What made you decide to find out this time?!?!? How fun, another girl! An even split! Can't wait to hear of her arrival. I also thought your comment about the shooting down of names was funny... Elliott shot down every name I suggested for the twins, but since he never gave any they ended up with my names! Otherwise, they would have remained "Baby A" and "Baby B".

K said...

We got rid of all the baby stuff. I figured if I was going to acquire it all again, I might as well get the right stuff. It was fun to find out. Plus, names have been difficult and this makes it slightly easier. At least we don't have to come up with a boy name too. I can't wait to hear about your new adventures!