Friday, February 3, 2012

Surprise for a friend

Tomorrow I am assisting in pulling off a surprise party. No worries, she's not a blog reader. I searched Pinterest for some ideas. Turns out tulips are her favorite. I found a vase at Michael's and some artificial tulips. I lined them inside the vase with rocks at the bottom. I will fill the vase with water, the tulips submerged. They look pretty great in there! I put a green ribbon around the bottom. I also put together a glass dish filled with gumballs and made a sign that says "Forty Blows". Moonflower had a cake made with the same saying on it and gumballs. It should be a great time. We're having baked ziti, the birthday girls favorite. I made Indian relish! It's so pretty with the deep red color, great for the month of February. I will make a Valentines snack chex mix and some Valentine bars today. Looking forward to some fun with friends!
On another note, we've decided to put the house hunt on hold for now. I really don't want to move during/right after the baby arrives. We will see about looking again this summer. There really wasn't one dream house out there in the area we want. Might as well wait for what we want, or at least closer to it. Instead, we will pursue the van process. N found one he thinks will be a good choice. The plan to is to take it to Mr. Chuck's tomorrow and see what the guys say about it. It's not my dream van by any means, but will work for what we need. It's actually more van than expected. It seats 6 in the back two rows. Even with the new baby, we'd have room for a friend or two. The cargo area is great. We will be taking a stroller and pack n play with us when we travel. Those two items take up a large amount of space in the average mini van.
I hope it all comes together and works out for our family. We will be selling my car and still have three vehicles. N just can't part with his car or the truck. He's put some time and work into the truck. It's a pretty good truck. We can all ride in it if we get a seat-belt lock for the baby.
Things are coming together. Decisions are being made and goals met. April will be here before we know it.

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