Tuesday, February 28, 2012


After much cutting/trimming, we managed to get a great amount of box tops, soup labels and similar items trimmed and counted. You wouldn't think that type of work could wear you out, but it did for me. I think it's sitting up and cutting that tired me out the most. We were productive worker bees and the school will benefit in the future.
Kids were in high spirits when they came home from school. Somehow, that was the time of day my speed went up. I was movin faster and got a meal out early, sort of on demand.
Seven has asked for tickets to Cats for his birthday. This didn't surprise me, he's loved Cats since last year's music class. I was surprised to hear it will be in the area, but not until June. Six too really enjoyed Cats during music class. The local music teacher does such a great job with the kids. The last two weeks in a row, there has been no school. Six was disappointed on both days just because he would miss music class.
Tomorrow is the bake sale. I was so exhausted at the end of the day, I was in bed and almost asleep right at 9pm. Hunger woke me up and now it's close to midnight and I'm awake. Hopefully I can get back to sleep soon. I fear the bake sale will wear me out.

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