Tuesday, February 14, 2012

3 AM and hunger pains

I tried to ignore them, but dreams of Subway got to me, causing me to wake up with great hunger pains. I hate to complain, but some of these pregnancy symptoms are getting old. The middle of the night bathroom trips seem to be putting me in training for when this baby gets here.
Tonight of all nights, I really needed good rest. Tomorrow will be a big day. Perhaps this is the reason it got the best of me. Lately, I have a hard time relaxing. So much to do, I try not to let it get to me. It's inevitable, I should have predicted this. N has to get up in less than two hours. Thankfully, I have not disturbed him.
The problem is once I'm fully awake, my mind starts racing. The dream of Subway led to the idea of Subway for lunch at school today. Then again, I could just bring sandwiches from home. But wait, all the bread is in the freezer. I forgot to take it out. I'll have to in the morning to make the boys a sandwich before they are off to school. Or maybe I should just give myself a break and get the Subway before I go to the school. They should have showers in the morning because they will be at Zinnia's tonight while we pick up the van. See, this is how my thoughts travel from one thing to the next.
I'll need to pack up their pj's and supplies before heading to the school as well. It would seem like lots of time in the morning before having to leave, but if I don't have my ducks in a row and am not well rested, I fear I will drag my feet and everything else weighing me down.

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