Friday, February 24, 2012

31 weeks and contractions for hours

We took a trial run at labor and delivery last night. We'd never been up there before and didn't know where we were going. Of course I would have avoided this experience if I could have, but multiple contractions in a few hours wasn't approved for staying at home. Thankfully, all was well. It was just contractions, no other pre-labor signs. This is all new territory for me. I've never been on bed rest, I've had minimal restrictions to my activities and wasn't terribly uncomfortable until the end. All my kids came after 39 weeks, never was there a threat at 31.
It's all about balance. I need to focus on drinking more water and pace myself with my activities. I can no longer clean up the entire kitchen after a meal, start the laundry, vacuum the living room and bathe three children all in a row. N has been great, the kids too. I hope they stick to good helper attitudes with minimal complaining. Four is such a great helper. She is eager to help if it means good things for the baby. She can't wait for her to get here. Seven is the best listener. Even if the task does not excite or interest him, he will do it. He always does and usually when I first ask him. Six on the other hand, still has quite a bit to learn. He will almost always complain and maybe even whine or yell. Even the simplest task can be difficult. I find myself not asking him because of all the work. It takes more effort into asking him to accomplish the task than the task itself. This though, is not fair to the other children who listen right away. Needless to say, we all have something to work on with our attitudes.
Today is a snow day. N made everyone breakfast, then headed out doors with the crew. They pulled out the snow mobile. Was I ever surprised to see them doing circles in the back yard while pulling the kayak. Only N would come up with this idea on the snowy winter morning. I'll try post the video later. Of course the kids were thrilled. Six loves the snow mobile. After only one ride, he had published work and art at school about the experience.
Looks like we will spend a quiet weekend at home. N will go to work. Sunday we'll go to church. That's about it. The plan for tonight is to skype with Baby Orchid. She is hilarious and always puts us in a good mood. Can't believe a baby so young can skype so well. She's the best!

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