Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Sunday

Another great Sunday down thanks to Zinnia and Mr. D. Well, Fr. B always has something to do with our moods on Sundays, too. After a wonderful mass, we went straight to our friends house where we tried to make some things successful. We failed miserably at Kool Aid popcorn. It sounded ideal for school treats, but in the end was a big flop. We tried not to let that get us down. The kids had a great time outside and love playing with the cats and dog. Zinnia and I managed to make a few cards. Mr. D helped us out with a game for the Valentines parties. They turned out pretty neat and will be fun to see in action. The pins are nearly finished.
I'm back to the drawing board with ideas for snacks at the party. I wanted to find something simple and fun. I'm still hopeful to find the right treat.
The super bowl isn't such a big deal for me. The girl is asleep already, but I let the boys stay up with their dad. Tomorrow, back to the routine.
I did hear from McDonald's in regards to our dinner there this past week. I heard from a contact at the headquarters and local as well. They tried to call me. We will see what they have to say. Their letters were sincere. It was just a terrible experience.
Here's looking to a great start on Monday!

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