Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bake Sale Leap Day

Even without a full night of sleep, the bake sale didn't wear me out too badly. We did not have as many items to sell, therefore not every child got four things without money. Once again, difficult to figure out. Everyone got the number of items they brought in money for, seems fair. When we have excessive amounts, then the entire school can have four items. This may possibly be the last year of bake sales. Rumor has it some parents complained and it may come to an end. Not sure how else they will ask us to raise money for the grades. I sure hope it isn't selling wrapping paper or something similar. I'd rather bake twice a year per child and have them get the money they need. I'm not sure how many years they've been doing bake sales. I've participated and led for the last three years. I love doing it and it's great to be with the kids. Once again, time will tell. If these three parents want to make a fuss, perhaps they should lead the fundraising project.

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