Saturday, February 11, 2012

Progress, brought to you by the letter P

First coat of paint on the changing table, check.
Valentines party games painted and prepped, check.
Mini van purchase on the horizon, check.
We've made lots of progress this weekend. The valentine party preparations are close to completion. Just need to bake the cookies, pop the popcorn and purchase some beads. Valentines are all completed, box needs to go to school and the party can begin.
It will be a busy week.
I will be taking a diabetic class. Yup, I failed the sugar test. So, finger poking and label reading will be in my future. This brings up many questions and guesses for me. I believe I won't go until 40 weeks. I am sure they will want to induce me. It may be a repeat from my experience with Seven. That means, possibly no surprise delivery. Scheduled, the kids will be aware ahead of time. I really would like to go into labor on my own, but if that's not an option, we'll deal.
I've had great reception on helping me out with my plan. Zinnia of course, always there. "It's a given" was her response. The role of coming in the night will be played possibly by Azalea. It will all work out. I've got great people and great support. Bluestar has also said she would help. She picked up Four at preschool this week so N and I could go look at a van. She's great.
It's nearly bedtime, ready for another day. Pancake breakfast at church tomorrow!

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