Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bloom where you are planted this spring

I tried to write this at the end of the day, but could not keep my eyes open. I couldn't even get the kids in their beds, they had to come to me for their kiss. Angels were on my shoulder as I made it through yesterday with so little sleep. I really didn't think I'd make it without a nap.
Got the boys on the bus, in great spirits looking forward to all that the day would bring. Four wore her purple J dress, she always gets so many compliments when she wears it. For some reason beyond my understanding, she insisted on wearing Christmas socks. I know I just have to take them out of her closet because this is a frequent argument when we are going somewhere and I want her to match. One day she said to me "Sometimes, I just don't like to match."
We did pick up $5 subs before going to the school. I was able to enjoy them just as I had in my dreams the night before. Our bowling set was once again, a great success. We were in Mrs. L's room first and in charge of the bowling game. Four was proud to be the pin re-placer once the kids knocked them down. She did try to mix it up a little by not placing pins on the dots, but quickly decided to follow the directions or she'd lose her job. She was pretty big among all those school kids.
Lunch was nice, some parents and friends were there. I love seeing all the kids. Some from different events we participated in last year still come up to me and we chat. One even asked my how my valentines day was going. She's so sweet.
After lunch with both boys, we were off to Seven's classroom and his party. Four was losing steam by then, she'd sat with her head down on the lunch table while eating with Six. Our bead project was good, 2nd graders had fun with that and once again, loved bowling. The dad who ran the bowling was hilarious. He asked them where they were from, who they were, etc. He sounded like a game show host.
I left the party early, dropping Four off in Mr. L's room with Zinnia. Of course Mr. L gave us a hard time, me leaving all three of my kids with her on Valentines day. He's so much fun. I really miss visiting with him on a daily basis.
N and I were off to retrieve the van. This was my moment for a nap. Didn't come, my back was sore from sitting in the little chairs at school.
We were at our destination on time. The lady we bought the van from was very nice and sweet. She filled the tank of gas for us and washed it. She was so pleased we were buying it and beamed when I told her how excited our kids were. Top notch experience with her, we told her to let us know when she wanted to sell her Odyssey.
The Secretary of State wasn't as painful as it could have been. I did experience two contractions while sitting in there, but we were called in a reasonable amount of time. It felt good to leave Lansing with everything done, van purchased, tags paid, etc. It's even ready for the state parks!
I was tired and hungry, but the new route we took home didn't take us by any food places. Must have been a sign, we weren't meant to spend our valentines meal at McDonalds. We made it back to town and went to the pub for our evening meal before getting the kids. Zinnia, I don't have a clue what I'd do without her. I know she had far less sleep than I the night before. Of course, she isn't in my current condition, but she managed to be in high spirits and accomplish so much yesterday. Then take care of my three children, plus her own. Before I left MN, my good friend Iris gave me some flower seeds and wrote on the note "Bloom where you are planted." It took me awhile, but thanks to Zinnia and my other flowery friends, I think I am finally ready to plant those seeds. They have been hanging in my cupboard since we got here.
When we picked up the kids, they were so very excited for the new van. Four buckled herself, sat their swinging her feet beaming. The boys were excited too. They were all over the place, checking everything out. It was a great end to a great day.

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