Thursday, September 27, 2012

Still going

Happy to report, another great night from Baby Girl! So excited. The morning was a whirlwind with kids out the door and Baby Girl + myself. I headed to the doc for some prescription consults and N cleaned our carpets. He did a great job. I am so thankful. We got some estimates and I knew they would be high. It was a lot of work, but only cost us $35. Sure beats $179. It feels so good to have clean carpet again. I was surprised at how well the machine worked. It was a Bissel from the grocery store. Much better than a rug dr. Now to de-clutter and reorganize. I plan to create a space in the living room for Baby Girl. I also want to eliminate some pieces. Guess they will find a home in the basement. Time is up. She's fussy. At least I got some lunch and this much written.

1 comment:

Liz Odette said...

That's what we do too! Well, Travis mainly. We rent a rug-doctor from Rainbow Foods for 1/2 day. Sure is nice to have clean carpets without spending an arm and a leg!