Thursday, September 13, 2012

The new star system

The first two weeks of school have been a challenge, I knew it would. This week we decided to start a Star System. Each AM and PM they can earn a star. At the end of the week if they have 8 or more, they get a privilege/treat. I hope it works. Everyone is optimistic and excited. Not too much to write about today. Zinnia's group left for a great adventure today. N tried to have the pilot greet them on the plane, but I guess it wasn't a go. We can't wait to hear how great their vacation will be. Baby Girl hasn't done so well on the sleep front. She ate a ton of cereal tonight, more than any other time. I hope that helps. They say it should, but hasn't so far. Tomorrow is Friday, we'll have made it through an entire two weeks. Hats off to moms everywhere!

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