Thursday, September 6, 2012

Just when I thought...

Why is it when things seem so frustrating to me, I hear of someone who has it much, much worse and all is put into perspective again? This has happened today. When I'd like to complain, I don't think I should. Perhaps my frustrations are due to the lack of blogging. I haven't been on here for quite some time. A new baby, summer,3 kids and their schedule, life in general has kept me away. Motivation or lack there of to write has also been an issue. I know if we just make it through the next two weeks we will be good to go. Seven was quite a challenge today. He's got such an attitude, I just don't know what to do with him. Then I think, if it's this bad at 7, what will it be like in 10 years? I am scared for those days. Baby Girl is screaming, Time is up. She has been eating cereal and tonight had her first sippy cup drink! Just water, but boy did she smile when she got some. Nice moment at meal time. The kids are thrilled she can join us in eating.

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