Tuesday, September 25, 2012


All that positive energy from last night was sucked out of me by the fussy baby in my room. By 4AM, I just left her in her crib. I didn't know what to do with her. She cried for a long time. At 5 AM, I was in tears. N was up and leaving for work soon. I know we need to establish a strict bedtime routine, but things like RE until 7:30 make it difficult. Sticking to it is difficult, just another challenge with big kids and a baby. They were all babies at the same time, it was easy to have the same routine. We do in some ways, but it was all later last night because of RE. We need to do the sleep training process, but I am afraid she will not be text book like my other kids. We'll see how it goes. Say a prayer for me if you have one to spare.

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