Monday, September 24, 2012

Feelin good about my accomplishments

Today was a three star morning, actually four. N left for work. Some days, I am able to get him a lunch, coffee, etc. Some days, I am not. Today was a good day and he told Seven I should get a star since I had lunch, breakfast, coffee and water all ready for him. I even sent one of my favorite yogurts as a special treat. Seven found that hilarious and drew a pink star on the fridge calendar for me. What a guy. After they left, I managed to get the kitchen cleaned, laundry started, supper in the crock pot, and the downstairs bathroom wiped down. I was also able to feed Baby Girl, change her and make a few phone calls. Now she's asleep. It feels good to have everything in order. Don't get me wrong, there's lots still to do. I am content with what I have accomplished this morning. What's left will get done when it gets done. I am not sure why, but I have the desire for my kids rooms to be clean before they are off to school. Five's room looks great. She halfway made her bed and everything is off her floor. The boys had a disaster this AM. I know they got it all cleaned except the Lego's. They aren't bad, they have been worse. I will vacuum the living room when Baby Girl is awake. Laundry will need to be folded and put away. The bathroom upstairs was cleaned yesterday. It's going to be a great night for our first RE class. I am teaching Seven's group with Daisy. We have a new director. I told her to put me where she needed me. We'll see how Baby Girl does with her Daddy. This will be a weekly thing for the two of them. Hang out while the rest of us are at church. Future goals, finish finding all the winter clothing. I have three coats for Eight. I think I will offer one to Sunflower for Cousin #5. He's just a little bit bigger than Eight and one was big on Eight. I have three snow pants for him too, but think I'll hold on to those. He needs to try them on, they are different sizes. I have two coats for Seven, three if I get a zipper fixed. He may not wear one so I will keep all of them until we figure out which coat he likes. He only has one pair of snow pants. I have two coats for Five, but one too needs repair. The pull on the zipper came off. She has four pairs of snow pants. This surprised me, but I didn't realize another mom had given her two pair last spring. I try to have two per child. One coat for school, one for play. One snow pants to stay at school, one for home. Many times, they will get dirty playing in the snow in the back yard. It's nice to have an old coat they can go out in and not worry about it being too dirty for school the next day. Wet coats can take longer to dry. Everyone has one pair of boots, some two. This too is necessary as boats can get wet and take awhile to dry. Baby Girl will be in her Bundle Me for the season. A Bundle Me is sort of a sleeping bag that fits in the car seat. Just zip her up and she stays warm. Just trying to get it all together can be exhausting. I tore apart things in the basement in search of these items. Now that they are found, I need to put the basement back together. I have a table full of garbage bags of things for a garage sale! Boy does that feel good. My goal is to go through each room, closet, cupboard and drawer and ELIMINATE CLUTTER! We'll see how it goes. She's up. Time's up.

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