Friday, December 9, 2011

Staying satisfied

A few weeks ago, Fr. B talked about being content with what you have this holiday season. I wrote about it, but feel I failed to make the right emphasis on his message. Tonight, I feel as if I am on a friendship high. How lucky and blessed have I become in this community? Just two conversations with supportive friends helped ease my mind on the weekend ahead. I can do it. I can get the job done with a little help from my friends. A lot of help actually, but that's not how the song goes.
Back to Fr. B. In the past I have struggled with wanting more from this life. It has been a daily challenge, but I feel now I am in a place to be content. We still own our house in TX. This fact is preventing us from moving on in MI. As anxious as I am to have our own house and be as those around us, I rewind my thoughts to just being grateful. I am so thankful we found the house we live in now. It's newer, clean and spacious. Sure, it will seem slightly smaller once we add another member and all the baby equipment to our living space, but we work with what we've got.
I am reminded of this with our Christmas tree purchase. We got a small tree. It's not big and that's ok. We don't need the perfectly decorated tree. The kids did all the ornaments themselves. Some are cluttered in certain areas, others are spaced out nicely. Whatever the case, it was filled with love and enthusiasm. My conversations tonight with Daisy and Azalea brought back ideas and feelings from Fr. B's sermon. With supportive friends, I can do anything! Even have a fourth baby. Delphinium and I have had this discussion in the past and agreed, it takes a village to raise a family. I have my village and the right people in it. I am excited to share this chapter in my life with these people. New friends can become our family. Life was like this in TX and boy were those people hard to leave behind. Again, repeated the same thing in MN, but with my actual family closer that time. It was hard to leave there, both difficult, but in the same way. Here we are in MI, it will be three years in April. I never would have guessed we'd add to the family while here. It has become our home. We are satisfied and grateful. What will be, will be. The house, van, yard, space, etc. will come when it is supposed to. For now, we will live on Nuthatch Dr together and happy.

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