Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Frosty Shoppe

Four and I spent the morning and part of the afternoon at the Frosty Shoppe at school today. The local grocery store brings in many items. PTO parents organize these items in the library. The children come down class by class and make purchases for the people on their list. Oh man, do some of them have quite the lists! Everything costs $1.50. I was shocked to see kids come in with $30-40-50. Trying to keep track of what they pick out for each person was a challenge. We wrote the items down next to the names, but even then there was some confusion. The kids are so proud and happy to pick out these items for their family and friends. We divided family members among the two boys. Grinning from ear to ear, they carefully chose their items. Watching them pick things out is great, but the best part is seeing the reactions from people they purchased for.
We will retrieve a Christmas present today we ordered online. I am almost prepared for the St. Niklaus party at church on Sunday. I have a growing list of things to get for that event. Wednesday we will pick up those items. All three kids have dentist apt. on Wednesday afternoon. What was I thinking? I will never schedule appointments again in December. Thursday we find out if we are getting a boy or girl in April. Four and Zinnia are sure it's a girl. Seven just wants it to be a boy. Six is somewhere in between.
Friday we will mail our Christmas letter. Had to wait for the big announcement to be official. Friday afternoon Azalea is coming over to paint bricks and the board for St. Niklaus party.
The weekend should bring more baking and Niklaus preparation. Saturday Azalea is meeting me at church to set up for the party. What a girl. It's great to be able to count on friends to come and help out when needed. I still need to finish the first reconciliation info with Seven too. Lots to keep us very busy this week!

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