Monday, December 19, 2011

Back in business

After being on the couch Sunday afternoon due to a mysterious pain, we are back to our list and crossing many things off. Four and I were on a role! We got almost all clothing packed. Snacks and kid entertainment are next to the front door. We delivered Christmas gifts today and will finish tonight and tomorrow afternoon. We even managed to squeeze in lunch with both boys. $2 subs were a big hit with all. We picked up our last minute items at the store, which could have been a nightmare, but wasn't. The place was packed, but somehow we found a scan yourself check out without anyone there. We were out of there in no time! I hope to get Four in for a haircut. If not, she can go in MN. She was sort of excited about that possibility. Gifts are organized and packed. All I need left is to do two loads of laundry, pack N's things, bathroom things, toss together snow-pants, gloves, etc. and certain gifts no one can see. N has quite a list of his own sitting next to me.
It will all get done, I feel confident of it. Had a great day and hope the good feeling continues. Spirits are high and people are happy. Can only get better.

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