Monday, December 12, 2011

Bedtime prayers

There isn't much of anything better than listening to my children pray at the end of the day. I am in love with the things they are praying for. Their little minds have great ideas of what is important. Amazing the things they think of.
Tonight at RE we made paper chains. The children wrote on each chain something they were to do for someone else each day until Christmas. There were many sweet comments like hug mom and dad, walk dog, say a prayer to Jesus, etc. One boy really got my heart to break. He kept asking me how to spell different words, they were not like any of the words the other kids were asking about. His words were about no hitting, punching, etc. It was surprising to see his thoughts out on paper. He tried to hide what he was writing, but I knew from the words he was asking me to spell.
In the end, we had happy, thankful kids thinking of others. We shared treats and played games. It was a fun night, but my back was killing me in the end.
Other traumatic news, we prayed for the people that tipped their car sideways near our house. We didn't see it, but Zinnia called 911 when she got to our house. It must have just happened and no one had called the police yet. Many sirens and praying for those in the accident.

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