Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Feelin pretty good for a Wednesday

Earlier this week I was a little worried of all we had on the schedule. Today, I feel pretty good about most of it. Dentist for kids was today. He had all praises for their report. A slight concern with Seven. Poor child to inherit my weird mouth issues. He may be developing toward a cross bite. Still not sure what it means, but the Dentist said he still has a lot of teeth to get and growing to do. We get to just watch it and see for now. Sounds slightly familiar. I believe my first trip to the orthodontist was around second grade.
Four was amazing! This was her first time. She wasn't so sure in the beginning. Once she got in the chair, she soaked up all the attention. The lady was awesome and Four left there saying she couldn't wait to go back. Six didn't want to go in first, he and Four saw the same lady. Seven went to the lady who only does grown ups. He of course was great, a model patient. Eventually, Six was impatient and wished he had gone first. Funny thing about this dentist office, he had all the characters from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer movie under his tree. He also had the movie for the kids to see. They really got a kick out of those characters. I never realized/remembered the elf wanted to be a dentist. It was a great distraction while waiting.
While Four was at preschool, I got all my St. Niklaus stuff together for church this weekend. Now to just coordinate a time to set up and we are golden! Last night, Zinnia and I finished some Christmas cards and bean bags for the bean bag toss game. They turned out really great and now I can't wait to paint the board, then turn it into a giant present! I think I have all my ducks in a row and will be ready come Sunday morning. I purchased all the ingredients for cheesy potatoes again. They are easy and oh so good. They will go great with chicken from Pats.
Tomorrow is baby day! Yup, the day has finally come where we get to find out if we will have a boy or girl in April. Still so excited about this and shocked we are going to find out. From what I have heard, we aren' the first to not know with the first three, then find out with number four. Had a great conversation with a new friend this morning. After our chat, she helped me to feel more positive for the rest of the day. Gotta love friends like that!
Now that I've taken five, I better get some food going. N agreed to grill hamburgers for us tonight! Smiley face fries were on sale today. Happy kids, happy mom and happy dad, can only lead to a nice night at home Happy Wednesday everyone!

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