Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dinner in Freeland

Last night I went to a dinner at Fr. B's place. He invited all the catechists. What a treat! We've never been invited to something such as this. Daisy was there, poor Zinnia was home sick. We missed her.
Fr. B made a tomato bisque soup. It was amazing! There were tons of treats from various people, lasagna from the local restaurant and a fabulous salad with mandarin oranges and craisns. Some of the other catechists I knew, but never really had a conversation with before. It was fun for everyone to relax and swap stories. I got to know some of the other moms in the church community. There was even one dad there.
It was during these conversations I realized how small this community is. Three of the people there were related or very close for many years. I discovered one of the teachers from Sunday morning, her mom is the secretary at the school. It's all connected. People I've run into in the community, but did not realize the multiple locations or things we had in common. Overall, it was a lovely evening. I think I would have enjoyed it more, had I not so many things to accomplish when I got home.
We did not get the truck loaded as planned. I still have one more suitcase to pack and two loads of laundry to run full circle. All my teacher gifts are ready to be delivered, Four and I will take them to the school when we pick up our boys.
Azalea is coming over to get bricks, I'm sure I can twist her arm into helping me carry out my suitcases. She's such a great friend.
I feel 75% ready to go. With a later departure time, I am confident to feel 100% by the time we get the boys. If only I hadn't woke up at 4am! Poor N and his silly early shift. It will be a long day, especially since Four is up already. She is not the early riser of the family. I plan to get her back in bed now, we may have another hour before the boys are awake.

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