Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Red, green, purple, or blue?

So many colors of paper on the big rolls at school, I was lucky enough to choose which colors to put on the bulletin boards in Mr. Lupcke's room. I did not get to finish today, but plan to by the end of the week. It is amazing how long it takes to take all the stuff down and put fresh paper up. I love seeing the kids. They ask me to help them with little things and share something from their day with me. Today, I helped with Science on a cart, a program established by the PTO. Kindergarten gets to grow grass. We had fun and the topic led to all kinds of discussions.
I helped Zinnia make some decisions today. Sat in the sun and watched her pull weeds, I would have helped, but was wearing my brand new shoes. : )
Tomorrow, I hope to get some shelves primed and painted. They are painting at the church again, maybe I can talk N into stopping by with me. Three might be a problem though, one can only guess if she will decide to cooperate or be difficult.
A new interest for me, making homemade cards. We made a variety pack of ten cards for the preschool teachers. They turned out so cute. I can't wait to make more. They will be fun to have on hand and are also fun to give. Everyone seems to enjoy them. I tied a pretty pen to them for Three's teachers. I am out of pretty pens, but maybe I will find something this coming week, just in time to give to the bus driver. She is the sweetest lady. I later learned that not all drivers are nice to the kids. Some yell, some are grumpy. I am thankful for our driver and want her to know that's how I feel. She sent home a thank you for the Christmas treats we a gave. The boys like her.
N is helping Seven count money tonight. He's pretty good, but practice is always good. Plus, the one on one attention from his dad doesn't hurt. Didn't hear from other parents from his class about the gift. I think kindergarten parents seem to be more eager to participate. Not sure how the momentum is lost with the older grades, but it seems to be a common theme. Kindergarten parents volunteer the most. The kindergarten bake sale always brings in the most baked goods. Who knows how it all works. Everyone is different.

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