Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I've got a fever

Mom's do not get sick days. Yesterday was mine and boy was it rough. I have not had a fever in such a long time. I felt painful and worthless all day long. Three was great. She entertained herself throughout the day. I brought her doll house up to her room so she could play Barbies with it. She sang in the basement, played with her ponies, watched cartoons, drew pictures and colored.
N came home and I was able to take a nap. I didn't want to nap with her home alone in the house, just couldn't let myself relax that much.
The evening held soccer and the desire for children to play at the park. They ate and were off to soccer with N. He took them to the park after and they came home happy. We didn't get to the homework though, sorry to their teachers. My fever was worse at bedtime and the motrin did not work. I took Tylenol and went to bed around 9. I woke up at 4am and could tell the fever was gone.
N called in sick to work today to stay home and help. In the end, with the fever gone, I could have probably managed. Yesterday was the worst. How terrible I felt last night, left me with doubts about the morning. If I would have still had a fever, there was no way I could get everyone out the door and to school on time. Wouldn't you know, they called me to sub today. I was supposed to work at the book fair this afternoon too. We also had a babysitter scheduled for tonight. N has a work party. So much disappointment that we will not be able to participate in those activities.
The book fair was this week. Instead of sending both boys to school with money, we decided Five would get to take $10 and pick out a book for him and Seven. It was buy one, get one free. Seven did it last year. I wasn't sure how much the books would be. Five came home so proud of the book he got for Seven. It was a Star Wars chapter book. He was really sweet when he explained it to me. He thought the chapter book would be good for Seven. He was able to get a Star Wars book for himself too. My friend was helping with the sale, I knew he would be in good hands. He is such a sweet boy. Seven seemed shocked at Five's purchase for him. I explained that my reasoning for letting Five get the books instead of Seven, but Seven didn't understand that he would still get a book. Oh well, they were thrilled with how it turned out. I just couldn't see spending $20 this week on books. We have so many already and they are slightly over priced at the book fair, the PTO former president even said so at the last meeting. We have soccer pictures this weekend, that is $15 for each boy. ($15 being the smallest package too!)
My throat still hurts like you wouldn't believe. Swallowing is difficult. I drank some orange juice this morning and it burned all the way down. Thankfully, N picked up some Cepacal for me. It has improved my quality of life today.
Tomorrow there is nothing on the schedule. Thursday is supposed to be a movie night for me and some girls. I hope my throat is much better by then. Saturday is our big dance at church. I have to come up with a great appetizer to bring. Better shake this illness sooner than later, I've already missed so much!

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