Monday, June 25, 2012

Swim Lesson Success

Today was our first day of swim lessons. This was the first time Six and Four participated in lessons. Believe it or not, I used to teach lessons for many years. Why it took me so long to get my kids into lessons, I'll never know. They had a great time. Four is with two other girls around her age. Six and Eight only have five kids in their class, including them. They were thrilled when finished. Eight could be in the next level, but it isn't available this session. The teacher said she will work with him on the next level activities. Everyone was beaming when they were finished with the lesson. We stayed for open swim with Daisy and crew. After swimming for more than 2 hours, we were off to our next activity. Normally, I don't plan so much in our days. Not since the arrival of Baby Girl have we ventured off for nearly the entire day alone. We went to town to find the last part of a birthday gift for a soon to be eight year old friend. Just my luck, we're in Target in the book section and what do I hear, but a near explosion in the car seat. My worst fear, over spill and then a huge mess. I get all four kids over to the bathroom, start getting my purse and diaper bag out of the cart. It then occurs to me, we will have to leave the car seat outside of the restroom. Just as I am trying to get it together, a woman races by me with her stroller. Then I see triplets heading our direction. I decide we can make do in the van rather than face whatever exposure could be in that bathroom. I had the smallest child, least smell for a bad diaper. I get her all cleaned up and on we go. We find ourselves sitting at a table, waiting for friends. We read two books we didn't get a chance to read. One is about the tooth fairy, cute as can be. The other, a friend of Four had picked out last time we were at the library. It turns out this book is about slavery. It's not a topic that has come up yet with our group. I found myself skipping over some of the lines in the book. Wasn't a topic I was prepared to discuss. Four has had lots of questions lately about what words mean, if things are real. She's also had concerns over things to do with kids such as people taking them. I'm not sure where she got these ideas, but shes' a little mom when in the store, keeping the boys in line. We read the slavery book and then our friends arrived. We were proud to show our friends where the kids section was and explain the reading program. It was a fun afternoon. More reading success. We came home, I was completely exhausted. Thankfully, N had made supper for us. We had a very relaxing night at home. Baby Girl laid on the floor content for quite some time with everyone around her. We read some of our books and the children giggled at the silly stories they had chosen. Turns out the library has been quite a positive influence on our summer.

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