Friday, June 15, 2012

Just another hot Friday

Eight days a week has led to Beatles in the van on a regular basis. The songs put everyone in a good mood. We are all signed up for swimming lessons this month and hit the pool last night. We got a membership for the rest of the summer. Now we can go swimming any day we want. I can take the kids when N is at work. We won't have to worry about sun and the temperature for Baby Girl. Only thing, I have to get used to sitting on the side. I've never been one to sit on the side of the pool and watch. I believe the pool temp is too cool for Baby Girl. The kids love going there and are excited to spend the summer at the pool. Today we went to the library. I am not a fan of libraries, but today was a success. We signed the kids up for a reading program. The kids got to see our friend get his prize for reading last week. They were really excited. I hope to keep the enthusiasm going. They were eager to read their books on the car ride home. We came home for lunch with New Moon at our house. Chicken tacos are my latest meal. We even had them for supper, but in nacho form. Everyone loves them because they can have the taco/nacho their own way. We stopped at the movie store. The boys have six movie coupons for free movies until the middle of July. We took their report cards and they got the coupons for good grades. With movie/nacho night, everyone was pleased. Time's up. She's up.

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