Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer is here

After a weekend of doing nothing, I'm convinced we need to plan some activities weekly for the summer. Weekends are going to be terribly lonely. Same old story. Today is dentist day. We have appointments for the kids at 1. N was offered an early shift and might be home in time to go. The kids are excited to go to the dentist. I am so thankful for Miss Vanessa. She is who they look forward to seeing. Tomorrow I've planned a picnic at the park with their friends. I'm not sure who is coming besides Daisy, but I told people to spread the word. I figure if a variety of their friends come, the kids will be set. Blue Star will probably come too, alone with New Moon and possibly Zinnia. We only have one park in town. This fact disappointed me when we first moved here. Our last location, we could walk to five parks from our house. FIVE! I know the kids will probably get bored with the township park all summer long. There is a park we've never been to in a town near by. I am sure we can check it out this summer. Friday we may try the library. You know how I feel about libraries. It might be different now that I have older kids. The library in Midland is rather nice. Wednesday and Thursday N will be home. Who knows what those days will lead us to do. It will be the weekend again before I know it. Hopefully I can set something up for then as well. I hope to try blueberry picking when the time is right. We missed out last year. I have to get Baby Girl used to the Maya wrap. We'll be good to go then. A mom had hers on in church yesterday. I never thought of wearing it at church. Her baby was probably around 6 months, thus heavier than our peanut. I am sure the wrap helped her back. Well, time is up.

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