Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday's rain

After still having overwhelming days, I wonder how long this will last. I struggle to get it right day after day. Last night, it was Shutterfly and their ridiculous coupon program. It was my fault for waiting until the last minute. I waited, finally got the order straight with my people, but then misplaced the coupon. Fighting the clock, trying to get it all entered before midnight was even more of a challenge. I get it all together, the coupon code won't work. Live chat with the company, I read the fine print to discover the second coupon I have was supposed to be for a friend, thus my account won't work. My plan, hack into Zinnia's account, load my pictures as fast as I can to beat the midnight dead line. The live chat person tells me I can email customer service for an extension. I get it all straightened out by 12:17am. It goes through with the coupon. They must be on central time. What a night. Thankfully, Baby Girl was asleep for me to get that done. 5am and I am awake thinking over the mornings events. Six had his author share day at school. After a mad dash in the rain to get in the school on time, we found him and his reading supplies. Oh how I loved his author share. He wrote a hard cover book and dedicated it to Baby Girl. I love his writing. His imagination shines through his stories. I hope to post some of them one day. They give me insight as to how he views events in our lives. Some surprised me, all stories I loved. He was so proud. I love the school version of Six. He's happy and content, rarely gets frustrated. Home Six, can get easily frustrated, etc. Mornings have been rough. I'll leave it at that. Bedtime as well. Still trying to get it right. We didn't leave the house for the rest of the day, the rain kept me inside. The boys road the bus home, no sense in taking a baby out in the rain. With make your own sandwich like Subway the theme for our evening meal, people were happy, but slightly silly. It's the silliness that gets to me. Sometimes, at bedtime especially, it can be too much. A surprise visit from Daisy tonight completely kicked my attitude back in place. It's amazing what some time with a friend will do. I managed to make it to Zinnia's last night for the first time since Baby Girl was born. It was great to be there, but baby girl was fussy and cluster feeding the entire time. Basically I sat and watched Zinnia do our project. I know things will get better with time. I have set myself up for another project again. I hope to have help on Monday. I will go to the school, take a class picture for each boys class. Then my plan is to have the kids come out to the hallway in pairs for a picture. I will get their signature and ask them something about their teacher. It won't take too long to get it all in a book, especially since we've done this before. We'll see how it goes. Ivy may be able to assist me with this. We will plot our plan on the soccer fields Sunday. It's amazing how time and conversations with these girls help me to stay positive. NewMoon Flower was at school today. I shared with her how excited Six was to have eaten the exact same meal as her son at school this week. Tomorrow we have one soccer game, the rest of the day is open. We may try church then because mass times have changed and Sunday is a full soccer day. We'll see where the day takes us.

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