Thursday, June 14, 2012

Eight days a week

Six was concerned when "Eight days a week" was sung last night at the concert at the park. He knew better, there are only seven days in a week. Boy did we have a great time at the park. Our township holds free concerts on Wednesday nights during the summer. We've never gone before. Last night was a tribute to the Beatles band. I am sure they will be the best all summer long. Thanks to Uncle Dv, we knew most of the songs! He left us a Beatles CD for our van. We've been listening to it all week. The band was really great. I was surprised. They even had costumes and dressed like the Beatles. The kids danced and sang along. N popped us some popcorn to take with. Our big bowl was gone by the end of the night. We brought our blankets and chairs. Baby Girls was great. She napped through the first part, then was awake for the rest. She liked looking up at the trees and the sky. After we were home, it was late and people were hungry. While eating, they were discussing the Beatles. There was much confusion over who those guys were tonight and who the real Beatles are. They struggled with the fact that only two real Beatles are still alive. They were convinced we only saw two real Beatles. Eight got it, Six did eventually, Four didn't really care about those facts. Great family night! Wonderful start to our summer!

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