Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Short Fuse

After toting them around all day, after being home and having a nap, I feel I have short fuse. This seems terrible considering they aren't behaving that bad. Why am I so irritated so easily? We went to lessons. I sat on the pool deck all morning. It was hot. I didn't take a shower in the am because we were going swimming. This was my first mistake. It left me feeling gross the entire time we were at the pool. I didn't get in the water until after 1. We'd been there since 11. Baby Girl did well, but did not have a good nap like she had on Monday. Was this also due to no bath for her? I am not sure. N decided to go into work tonight, over time. While I do appreciate this, it can be so frustrating at the same time. We had planned on him being home. Once again, I am putting them to bed alone. Bedtime hasn't been the easiest time at our house this summer. Again, not too bad, but enough to irritate me when they don't listen. I guess my life would be easier if they listened better. I am already tired of arguing between Four and Six. They seem to be the ones who argue the most. They remind me of my brother and sister when we were little. I took a nap when we came home and woke up irritated. Why? A nap should refresh me and help the evening go along nicely. Perhaps it is facing the evening alone? We have our second night of VBS tonight. I just don't know what to do with myself when they are at church and I just have Baby Girl. I am sure I will come up with something. Last night N and I ran to get our groceries. We have yet this summer to take everyone to the store for a big grocery run. We are picking up a friend on the way. As soon as we get home, it will be bedtime. Maybe I will go get myself a new movie to watch. I've been disappointed with the last two-three new releases I've rented lately. What does that say about me? I'm usually on top of picking out a good movie, but lately not so much. Zinnia's sister is in town. They are doing activities together for the next two weeks. Slightly jealous. I'd love to be spending two weeks with Orchid and Baby Orchid. It's Baby Orchid's birthday soon. We need to make her a card. We gave her a gift last time she was here. Maybe I should go look for something to mail her. The kids really wanted to send her an Angry Birds shirt if we can find one her size. Four wants one too. I could go look for that, but am not sure about using the gas to drive to town alone. Target can always make you feel good, right? We'll see where the night takes me. We'll see how Baby Girl behaves. Ok, in the end I feel guilty for complaining so much. The kids really are good. I shouldn't complain. This is where I need strength. Maybe I'll join the first part of VBS activities. Fr. B will pray with the kids in the sanctuary and then the fun begins. Perhaps that is what I need, a little or a lot of prayer. It was really nice dropping them off last night. They had a wonderful greeting from Fr. B and the other volunteers running the program. It's a great program, I am proud and thrilled we were a part of it. Ok, time is up. We better get moving. Complaints are done.

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