Monday, August 15, 2011


Northrup is the name of a school that used to be across from Daffodil's house. While we never attended elementary school there, we did skate in the out door rink and play on the playground throughout our childhood years. Eventually, the school was torn down and half of the land was sold. A large apartment complex was built on one side. The other, the city still owns. Daffodil's mom worked with the Kiwanas. They put in new playground equipment. Like most MN parks, it is a great place to take the kids for a few hours. Today, we met Daffodil's mom there for a little picnic. She brought rhubarb muffins and cookies. We brought her some of my homemade cards. She and Five are birthday buddies. We have met at the park in the years before, also at the library during the winter months. We try to see her during each of our visits. This visit, we will get to meet twice! She always comes with things for my kids that will keep them busy at home and during the drive back to MI. I hope my kids remember these visits. I treasure them with each person we seek to meet up with while in MN. They are all special and we discuss them throughout the year. It is great they have these memories and can make a connection when we talk about the individuals later when we are home.
Seven, a pro at mastering all playground equipment.
Three, as sweet as can be. Had to be lifted on to the giant rock. She sat there like a little lady, most of the time. The weather cooperated and it was another beautiful day in MN.

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