Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Great Grandma Marie

When we first arrived to visit Great Grandma today, I caught a glimpse of the grandmother I knew and remembered. The thing was, she remembered me! We walked in on a rather dull round of Bingo. She was happy to clear her card and walk with us back to her wing. She knew Uncle DV and was thrilled to see the children. I was surprised on what a great day she was having. The last few times we have been there, she does not know who we are. I was very excited to spend some time with her when she knew us. Something happened though, once we arrived to the room she eats lunch, she changed. She sat down in her usual chair and could not remember us anymore. She would ask ever 15 minutes who my parents were and where I lived. Each time, I repeated myself. Each time, she was shocked we lived in MI and made a comment about what a journey that is. She was still marveled by the kids and surprised to see how big they were. She couldn't get past telling us who sat where during meal time there. We went to her room as she suggested, but she seemed a little irritated with the kids moving her stuffed animals around. It gets to the point where I am not sure our visit is benefiting her in any way. She seemed to enjoy doing a puzzle with the boys. We left shortly after walking her back to her room. She is remarkably well for 91. Many who live there, do not walk. She does well on her feet. I miss her terribly and wish I could visit more. The relatives that do visit frequently are no longer recognized either. I will continue to send pictures of us and try to keep the connection going. She is the last of 17 children in her family. Her oldest sister lived to 102. She may still be with us for years to come. I will treasure each visit we have.

Three didn't want her picture taken today. Frowns all around on that girls face.

1 comment:

Liz Odette said...

I think that deep down your Grandma appreciates your efforts to visit. I imagine that she's the envy of other residents that she had your crew as visitors! And don't forget what a great example you are setting for your kids in visiting her no matter what state she is in. Your love has no boundaries!