Tuesday, August 16, 2011


During our visit to the Mpls area, we made it to the Mall of America. Throughout the past few weeks, Three and Five have been misbehaving. Sometimes, I feel like I have no idea who they are. Seven does everything I ask. He doesn't complain much and is such a good kid. Three and Five had pushed me to my limit.
As a reward for such good behavior, Seven, Uncle DV and I went to the MOA. This is a very big deal to my children. Seven realized how lucky he was. Sometimes, this is a weak spot for me. I always try to make things even, regardless what we are doing. I have a hard time seperating the children. Seven did deserve this reward. I almost caved at the last minute and let Five come with, but I didn't. I am so glad that I didn't cave. It would have taken away some of the pride I saw in Seven that day.

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