Thursday, December 2, 2010


Well, here I am procrastinating. I still have 21 plates to trace on tonight. I need to type my notes for the German lesson tomorrow. Why did I not do this earlier? I have no clue. All my stuff is together in a bag, ready to go. Just need to finish the last few things. Kids are off playing quietly. Tomorrow will be a big day. For some reason, I feel nervous! They are kids, kindergarten and first graders, yet I have this anxious feeling. I think when I finish the plates, it will go away. Lets hope that's the way it goes.
I will let you know.
Three had a great day at preschool. She walks around our house singing songs all of the time. She is constantly changing her clothes and loves to wear fun shoes. We ran some errands today and she was a good sport. She has always been a good shopper.
Five and Six are hard up for snow. The weather man said the snow would fall and stay on the morning news. Five heard this. When I picked him up, first thing he says to me is "he said it would stick. He tricked us!" The things they remember. Six couldn't wait to get to the car, he is usually so poky. We got home and they wanted to play outside right away. There was a thin layer of snow on the ground. Some yards were bare, some not. They "shoveled" the snow off the top of our neighbors yard into their sled. This was the best way to collect snow. They were thrilled. Their sister wasn't so cooperative though. She kept jumping in the sled and knocking snow out. This irritated both brothers. We weren't out too long after that.
At the dinner table, our conversation frequently turns to Mrs. M, the gym teacher. She has influenced the kids on what food is healthy and which is junk. Five has really been taken with this subject. As he eats his food, he shares with me he enjoys the greasy stuff the most. He knows its junk, but it tastes good. At this point I tell him to eat his peas. He decides he doesn't care for peas anymore. Then we discuss what other foods on the table are good and which are not. Three soaks it all in. They love to use trays to eat. We have a few that separate their food. They love this and talk about how much it is like hot lunch at school. Then I hear about who brings cold lunch, what kind of bag they have and who eats hot lunch all of the time.
After eating, the boys retreat to Lego's. The girl is in new clothes doing her own thing. I straighten out my plans for tomorrow, neglecting the plates. I did six tonight, need 21 total. There are 23 done for Five's class. Then I got the bright idea that I should probably color one for a demonstration to the kids. More to do. Why am I on here? Just need to think it all through first I guess. Well, screaming coming from Five. Six is harassing him about something. Better get.

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