Wednesday, December 29, 2010


You can plan all you like, but that does not mean it will all go according to that plan. We were successful in many of our plans. We were able to follow through with many we planned to get together with. Each trip includes some of the same, some not. It's always great to get to see as many as we can.
The beginning of our trip changed a few things, and now the end will too. Five was ill on the way there, it's been nine days. Today, Six became ill. Poor Six. He is such a trooper. Poor boy became sick at our dinner with Great Auntie B. He was really looking forward to that time too. We spent all day yesterday at the water park. It was terrific, but everyone was exhausted at the end of the day. Six held on until this afternoon.
Grandpa, N, Three, Five and myself went to visit Great Grandma. She was great. We were able to join in on BINGO for a few games. Everyone got a prize. We even got one for Six. She is in a new building and has a very nice room to herself. The kids had a great visit. She was a little confused why we were missing Six and Grandma, maybe brought it up six times. She giggled and laughed at many of the things Three and Five did. They impressed her with their puzzle skills. It was short due to Six not feeling well. I just wish we had more time. It seems like we planned to fit so much in, but found it difficult to keep up. I felt exhausted some times and did not sleep the greatest. How many days can one function and keep up on poor sleep? Just wish it didn't have to end and feel so permanent.
Here I still have two or three days left and can't stand that we have to leave. Five was upset tonight because of our departure coming near.
The next dilemma is how to get home. N wants to try the north. A blizzard is coming. He thinks going that way might be better. In the past, we have avoided it in the winter due to lack of stores, etc in the UP. It makes me nervous just thinking about it. N said its not much different than driving across ND in winter weather. He is right, but I have done that many times and know the small towns. The UP seems a little foreign to me. I am also nervous if Three gets sick and we are on the road with no where to stop. The boys can hit a bucket now, I am not ready to test it with Three.
So, time will tell how it turns out. Thanks to the blizzard, I am afraid my plans to attend a New Years wedding will be out. I was looking forward to seeing so many friends. Have to take the best idea for the family as a priority. We will need more time to get home so N can get back to work on time. That is life I guess. Can't always go the way you plan, just roll with the changes that come in our path.

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