Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Tearful Sunday

Church was rather sad today. The entrance song was O Come O Come Emmanuel. I couldn't sing it. It wasn't the traditional version, but still moving. Our whole church seemed a little unsure. The priest was very nice and had been a friend of Fr. Larry for many many years.
Father Larry made us feel welcome when we moved here. I met with him a few times and his homilies sometimes spoke directly to me. My motivation to get the kids out the door on Sundays was that we are going to see Father Larry. It will be strange to have someone else come and try to fill his shoes. Poor Mr. A, who found Father yesterday, he looked pretty sad today, but still upbeat to show the Sunday school kids a movie. He is such a great teacher. My kids love him.
We are on our way outside for the second time today. Our morning was filled with shoveling and snowmen. It is still coming down, canceling our afternoon plans with N's parents.
I have heard mention of King of the Hill, or forts, or igloos and snow angels. They have lots of plans for the afternoon.

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