Thursday, December 16, 2010

Donnerstag is Thursday

Thursday started out on the wrong foot. We all slept in. No one was awake until 7:45! We are very lucky to be the last ones picked up on the bus route. Both boys had school and Three had pajama day. We flew out the door the best we could and made it everywhere safe and sound. N discovered a slow leak in our tire. To the tire shop we go! Good thing our neighbor is the owner. A plate of cookies later, our tire is fixed in time to pick up the boys. Gotta love the tire shop. : )
We went to visit Father Larry tonight. Wasn't sure how the kids would take that experience. It all went fine. They didn't really have many questions. They thought his casket looked like a treasure chest. Never thought of it that way before, but did put a nice positive feel to the experience. We met Father Larry's sister and shared how much he would be missed. Mr. A was there. The kids always like seeing him. Three has had the most questions and comments about the whole subject. She said "God is big." "Jesus died on the cross." "I saw him in the manger in the manger at chapel today." She is as sweet as can be. Tomorrow will be the funeral. Zinnia and I are going without children.
We are finished with all the baking! I wish I would have taken a picture of it all. The finished product looked pretty good. Plan to take some pictures tonight. I tried to post some yesterday, but our slow Internet connection made it impossible. I will try again another time.
We delivered the teacher gifts today and had lunch with both boys. They were very pleased. The teachers are great. I am very thankful for them and all the time they put into our children. We wished them a wonderful Christmas and will be doing more German lessons in January!
Everyone was in full force to play outside tonight. I let them eat their homemade mac and cheese outside. They were shocked and loved it! I need to get them inside now and in the tub. Pie at the neighbors tonight. I love getting together with them, we don't do it nearly enough. They are such wonderful people. Can't wait to deliver the rest of our gifts! Then, the packing begins. Saturday will be all about packing. Sunday N's parents will be coming, hopefully. With that and church, there won't be much time for anything else. And in case you are wondering, still haven't cleaned the fish tank. : ( Maybe tomorrow?


Diana said...

Thanks for the fun visit, great treats and homemade decorations! Have a safe trip and I'll try to keep your fish alive! Love, Diana

Diana said...

P.S. The guys at the store loved the cookies and Chuck says, "Thanks!"