Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Swimming We Will Go

We finally made it to the pool today. N had the idea and we just decided to do it. We had to drive seperatly since he would have to be to work by 1pm. I sure do miss swimming on a regular basis. I would like to change that in the new year, it just costs so much. It's $15 for us to go each time. To me, that seems like a lot. We thought about doing a month pass and teaching the kids swimming lessons in that time. I hope we can work that out. The month pass is not too much, we would certainly pay much more for swimming lessons times three, or six if Zinnia is interested.
On a sad note, while at the pool I received bad news that our priest passed away today. That brought up a whole conversation about heaven and where it is and who we know that is there. Six sort of remembers my grandfathers funeral. Five thought of our friends dog. Three didn't say too much. We will see what kind of a week we have. He just turned 74 and was fine. He always greeted us warmly when we came into the building. He always had a smile on his face. He talked to the kids, always asking how their week had been. It just feels like a shock since he wasn't ill. Poor Mr. A, the youth director who found him. I guess he never woke up this morning. I know he will be in the children's prayers tonight. Mass will be different without him tomorrow.
We are getting organized for company tomorrow. We went through lots in the basement. I found some new clothes for Five. Three confiscated the footie jammies that were from Six when he was Four. She got her first hair cut yesterday with Miss J. She did great and had a good time. No worries, the curls are still there. We just trimmed the ends to keep it growing. I am not ready to give her a short haircut. It took us so long to get hair, I think we will hold on to it a little longer.
I almost have everything done for tomorrow. I didn't stop moving from the time we came home from the pool, until now. 1:30 to 5:40. Have to feed the troops, wrap a few more gifts, and maybe bake??? We will see where my motivation takes me. It will have to guide me to the three loads of laundry on my bed that need to be folded and put away.....ugh.

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