Sunday, October 21, 2012


Feeling like you are a part of something can make a world of difference in one's life. Today we had a pig roast at church. Someone stayed up all night roasting a pig for us to enjoy. It was a great feast of friends and fellowship. The weather is beautiful. We came home and opened all the windows. The kids were outside right away. They want to make a band today. Beatles inspired I believe. Today Fr. B talked about servants. We had a youth mass and he pointed out servants to all the children. People in their lives, someone they could connect with. Then he had the kids all go and give a servant a hug. I was so proud of Five to go hug her RE teacher. Zinnia's MIL came and gave me a hug, thanking me for supplying her with good books to read. When I went up for communion, Fr. B said to me "and here is a true servant." Perhaps I should have felt proud at that moment for him paying me that compliment of servant, but all I felt was a wave of guilt. Guilt for not having more patience this morning before we left the house. It wasn't too bad, but still I could have been in a better mood with them before leaving. The ride there we were all on the same page with our attitudes. It's just getting everyone ready that really wears on me. During my shower all I could think of was how far behind I felt this morning. We were actually early, we weren't as behind as I thought. Still, the struggle for patience is something I think will always follow me around. This month I hope to work on that. I also hope to attend reconciliation before Seven makes this sacrament. Inspiration from Daisy. Time's up. She needs a diaper change. I've got the Beatles playing out our window. The kids are in the back yard with their band. I hope it continues to be a great day.

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