Thursday, October 18, 2012

Something is working

Sleep training can take a toll on any parent. It's going pretty well so far. Unfortunately, it's left me off my game. This morning, I failed to have an alarm on. I got up with Baby Girl at 3:30 am, put her down and then got up again at 5:55 am. Got her back to sleep and was out. Next thing I know, Seven is lightly tapping me saying "Mom, it's 8:03." YIKES! The bus comes at 8:25. I flew down the stairs only to be oh so very pleased. There they were, the three; dressed and packing their lunches. I was so proud of them. They were nearly ready themselves. We made some quick breakfast and two made it on the bus on time. N said he would take them right from the start, but Eight wanted to ride the bus as did Five. Seven was slightly behind with his shoes and N gave him a ride. Guess we are doing something right. I was really surprised at how far they were ready to go. They are big kids. Baby Girl is doing really well with sleep training. The first night was the worst, but she was text book 30 minutes, not a minute longer. Last night, no crying at all to start. About 10 minutes later she cried for maybe 10 minutes. Then 10 minutes after that I heard a few squeaks, but that was it. I still fed her at 3:30 am, but put her back in her bed awake. She only cried for maybe 1 minute and was out. I will be so happy to have this figured out. It just makes life easier all around. The hard part is staying with the routine, being consistent with bedtime. I won't give her a bath every night, that will be the only part different. It worked for the other kids, it will work for her too. We had an extra washing machine in the garage and it left our house today. A new guy at N's work took it. It's just him. I hope it works out for him. We bought it at a garage sale as a back up to ours. N fixed ours and we didn't need it. We never used it. Now I am trying to part with other things. Sunflower's boys can use some of the items, but she isn't interested in more stuff at her house. Lilac on the other hand, has been watching Sunflower's boys and has nothing at her house for them. I have some sweatshirts that don't fit Seven anymore. I also have Thomas beach towels and Deigo blankets. She's interested in toys too. I will head down to the basement tonight to see what we can find. I know there is plenty down there to discover. It will be our evening project. I got the entire house clean today and am halfway through the laundry. Kids rooms weren't too bad, just needed beds made. My room seems to always get attention last and was yet again, a disaster. I cleaned the bathrooms, washed the kitchen floor and vacuumed. The basement job will give me an organized house, hopefully for more than a day.

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