Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Today is the day, I mean it this time

Baby Girl's sleep training begins tonight. I know I've said it before, but I will follow through tonight. This is it. I've had a terrible migraine since Sunday. Still with me. It lessened quite a bit last night and I actually felt better once the kids were in bed. Five was up in the night as was Baby Girl and now it's back. Nothing I can do about it, but try get her to sleep better. I think that is my first step to relief. I'm not sure what Five's problem was last night, she just wanted me. I hear boys moving about. We bought our neighbors swing set this weekend. They are moving sometime soon I assume. This is the neighbor who doesn't speak to us anymore. Me I should say. Still baffles my what happened there. It will remain a mystery. She just quit communication one day. All I know is they are moving to the other side of town and I wish them all the best. The kids asked if their house will still be the bus stop, but I am sure that will change. The kids next to them get off after school, but do not get on in the morning. Five was the one concerned with this. She's going to try hot lunch this week for the first time. I know she is nervous. She was getting advice from Seven. He told her you have to be first in line coming in from recess to get to the front of the lunch line. On another note, Seven and Eight were playing chess yesterday morning. Seven just casually says "what the hell?" to a move Eight made. Now, I've heard this before. I don't like when they say "What the" the options for fill in the blank after are too many. The thing is, when he said it, it was like an old man or something. I've heard him say what we call naughty words when he didn't know I was listening, but they are words like stupid and fart. Stupid is probably the most he will use and know he shouldn't. I am not sure where to go with this. It isn't really an issue, but he does know better. Zinnia has been subbing at the school and I am jealous. I know I will be able to again, but it sure would be nice to get out. I haven't been to the school at all this year, just lunch a couple of times. My head keeps me at home. It's been like this 3 out of 4 weeks each month. N is working on his plans with the boats and refinancing. He is ready to part with a boat and vehicle, but goes back and forth about it. This has been going on for 6 months or more. At least the refinancing seems to be coming along. It will be great to have that figured out. He did come home yesterday with talks of buying yet, another boat. Nearly put me over the top. I'm sorry, but we have to draw the line at owning three boats. There's no room! That's an entire posting on it's own. It's Daffodil's birthday tomorrow. Sure wish we could celebrate together one of these days. Hate to stop here, but my boys are up. Bake sale coming up and Seven wants to make a bag of bones. We'll see how this goes.

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