Tuesday, October 30, 2012

An early start this Tuesday

After cleaning most of the house and getting all the laundry done, Monday was quite productive. I even managed to purchase a big Christmas gift. Great to have some things out of the way. I hope to get more accomplished today, too. I was up very early thanks to Baby Girl and the impending storm. All the chaos on the East coast left me wondering how we would fair without power for multiple days. I experienced this once as a teen. We were stranded in our house for 3 days. Since my parents house has a heated basement floor, we were able to stay warm for all 3 days down there. We had some extra people with us. I really do not remember what we did to pass the time. We listened to the radio for updates. Turned out the only radio we could get batteries for was a small radio that belonged to my brother. It was the shape of a $1 bill. George Washington's mouth would move to the sounds of the radio. Quite comical at the time. We do have a decent supply of canned food, but not water or beverages. Perhaps today I will work on getting supplies in order. Better to be prepared. I do remember N's family being without power for 3 days in the past. It's no fun. I worry about the kids and the temperature. If it gets really cold, we do not have a fire place or heated floor to warm them up, only each other. I guess at that point we would have to leave our home. I feel for those on the East coast today. For now, things continue on in MI. Today is Toucan (2 can) Tuesday and red shirt day. I will get my kids out the door, finish yesterdays laundry. I have one load left to wash and dry, baskets to put away. We hope to get more Christmas purchases done today, too. Let's hear it for a productive Tuesday to follow a successful Monday!

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