Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Five and Seven stories

Yesterday she was in the basement for a very long time by herself. I recently took out my doll house. She's to the age where she can play with it now and not break anything. I would like to finish it and put it in her room, but that's a project for maybe next month. After awhile, she came upstairs and said "Mom, I was playing with your doll house. I pretended the kids were at school and the mom and dad moved furniture around the house." Is this what she thinks we do all day? I noticed she also created a play area in the living room for the baby and put the big girl's bunk beds in the baby room with the baby. There is a crib in the mom and dad's room too. What a girl. At her soccer game this weekend, a five year old team mate asked me "Is it hard to have four kids?" I was blown away by that question coming from a five year old. Another funny comment, last night Seven came into my room and gave me a big hug. Then he said "I wish there was another baby in there. Baby Girl can have her birthday and then another girl can come." Who has he been talking to?

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