Saturday, October 2, 2010

It's getting cold outside

Soccer games today in the cool, misty rain. Six loves it. The entire time he is playing, there is a smile on his face. I can't believe it. It is great to see the joy he gets being on the field. He got 100% three weeks in a row on his spelling tests! We are proud of him. He is a nice boy and is doing great. I am looking forward to seeing how his pictures turned out from school. Five wanted to "skip this day" on picture day. He fought with me one morning about wearing pants. I said he might not get to go outside if he isn't dressed properly. He said "I will still get to go outside." Totally called my bluff. I had to involve a higher power. Left a voicemail on Mr. L's phone explaining the situation. When I picked Five up from school, Mr. L said they talked about it. Even the principal commented that day that students should not wear shorts to school anymore. I went and purchased more pants for him to try to make this issue easier on all of us. I may be enabling him and is fetish of having only Granimals clothing. Now, after bring four new pairs of pants, he compares the animals on the tags and tries to match them up for the day. He is so proud of his new system. I am still not sure what to think, as long as he is dressed and clean, that's all that matters, right? We will probably be wearing short sleeves all winter long. Who knows. Three had a good week too. Every time I bring her to preschool, she seeks out her teacher right away and gives her a hug. If Mrs. L is doing something, Three will stand there and wait until she is done. It's sweet. She has picture day on Tuesday. She also has a field trip to a pizza place in the next two weeks. Very exciting. Haven't decided if I should go or try talk N into it.
Started a new craft project this week. My friend They Call Me Mommy has pictures posted on her site of doll houses and little people. I decided to try to make them too. So far, it's been a good time. I miss painting. I used to paint ornaments every Christmas. Had to set myself up all over again. My paints and brushes were left behind in TX. The kids love the people and furniture. Next week N is going to help me make the houses. I can't find the same things she used for the house. Zinnia's twins are having a birthday next month. I decided to make them each a house. One will be a doll house, the other a fire station. I hope they turn out, we will see what the house will look like.
Before our games today, I was straightening the house. Our babysitter was coming to watch Three while we were at the games. I was thankful I didn't have to bring Three to the game at all. It was cold, rainy and wet. I had enough to carry with Five and all his belongings. We were gone for two hours this time, usually it is just an hour. Six had is game first, then Five. While straightening the house, I had to fix the green blanket I had put on the couch. Every time I do, I wish for a new couch. We got it from a neighbor in TX. At the time, I was very thankful. I still am. It was great all through our time in TX and MN, but now it's starting to look tough. I can't help but think of my lovely red couch I had to leave behind. It was so pretty, but not as practical as the green one. The green one is almost like a twin bed when the pillows are removed. We have used it for sleeping extra people or N many times. It comes in quite handy. The red one was microfiber, but not good for sleeping. This was the main reason we left it behind. So, I try to deal and think of the day we will get a new couch. Who knows, maybe a couch will come to me somehow! My friend that cut my hair recently was going to sell her couch. It was a great style, something I could see myself loving, but white. I would go nuts with a white couch in my house. I miss the microfiber material. It was so easy to clean and looked great. Someday...
What a busy week this will be. Meetings, soccer, school, the calendar is full. Tomorrow is Tulip's birthday. We are going to eat with them tomorrow night. Should be fun. We ate together three nights this past week. It was nice. We have been timing ourselves and at the end of our play date, we read a couple stories together. The kids love it and it gets them to wind down easier. Everyone is ready for bed and goes happily when we part. I think it sets the tone for bedtime and works out for both families. I really enjoy reading to them and feel guilty we haven't been doing it as much as we should. When we lived in TX, we always read books to the boys before bed. They had many memorized. Today, I think they have forgotten many.
Well, the natives are restless and ready to eat. Guess I better end this for now.

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