Sunday, October 24, 2010

"Five takes casual to a different level."

This is what N said as we were leaving church today. Five does what Five wants sometimes. I pick and choose my battles with him. He went to church in his gray puppy Minnesota bound tshirt with camo pants and flip flops. It is very nice outside today, I let it go. He went to Sunday school during mass. Three was with him. She too dressed herself with her favorite tshirt from Auntie J and jeans with butterflies. She did have on tennis shoes, as did Six.
Three's latest phrase is "Over here, come and get me over here boys." Of course she is talking about her brothers and dad. N chases her around the house and she squeals. When days like this happen, I can't help but think about being at my parents for the holidays. How great it will be, but also how much they are missing. This situation still bugs me on a daily basis. There is nothing I can do about it for the time being. Just get through it and keep going I guess.
We are working on projects for different friends today. We just finished painting in the front yard. Two pictures per child and a few colorful rocks to decorate our front yard made for some pretty happy kids. We are going to make books later, as soon as I find the energy to do my workout. Our neighbors think the duplex is sound proof. 2 am, I had already fallen back asleep at least 4 times. I went over there in my pj's and jacket. They couldn't even hear the door bell, the music was so loud. All I said was "It's 2am. My husband has to work tomorrow. Can you turn it down?" She was very apologetic, but it seemed a little fake. Who knows. Sure do miss the other neighbors who lived there. With that, I hope the rest of the day is calm and smooth. Not sure I have the energy for chaos today. It was great N was able to come to church again this morning. Not sure when it will happen again. Maybe after January, when his schedule changes.
Oh dear, I spoke too soon. Both boys are in tears over Legos. Looks like no one had a restful night last night. Bedtime will be early tonight!

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